The absolute worst time to visit a strip club to meet a stripper is on a Friday night. Even the ugliest dancers will have a ton of work on a Friday night at a strip club that is typically empty or subpar. Even the chubby, drug-addled stripper who manages to make just enough money from thirty guys to get by won't have much time on a Friday night, much less the people you genuinely want to go home with. Save the weekends for conventional bars and clubs and stay away from strip clubs. Weekdays.
This is a story about a firefighter who has fucked up real hard once and this has almost ruined his life. He has spend many years in drinking and trying to forget so only the case of his freind gone missing is what brings him back to the world. But soon his private investigation gets absolutely carzy - as soon as he happens to find the stopwatch with an unique ability of stopping time!
Your grandparents have mysteriosuly disappeared 15 years ago. Now you have finally the resources to figure out what has happened to them. So your career of self-made detective begins: you will meet many various people, interrogate them, search for clues, pay attention to details... and surprise for how many wet pussies are trying to distract you from such important mission!
Hot blonde chick wants to dance and strip down in the middle of a street and nothing seems to able to stop her... unless you will fail your part: use the moving tube and catch numbered balls so the sum of collected points would be equal to 21 exactly. What's the connection here? No connection except for this is a game so reward comes only after you will handle the challenges!
Feel all the horror and all the excitement of being trapped inside the castle of non other than Lady Dimitrescu - the legendary vampire milf from "Resident Evil" series! Solve the tricky situations in your way, explore loctaions, craft useful things and do everything to stay alive. And don't forget about intuition (or at least about saving the progress) because sometimes one mistake is what separates life from death!
Pretty classic adventure of student in college where you will meet hot milfy teacher and several beautfiul female co-eds. Step by step you will be knowing them better and better... only to corrupt them more and more! And the purple magcial creature could also be of some help in thi sprocess. Plus don't forget to explore locations for hidden bonuses and unlockable content!
The war has changed. Forget all that you have been taught at the military school and get ready to learn all the tactics from the scratch. Why? Because your enemies are no average humans. They can change and adapt and prefer the hidden tactics instead of open confrontation. Seduction is their new weapin. Lust is your new weakness. Until you will learn to use it against them at least...