Quick series of drawings which finally let Elizabeth from "BioShock: Infinite" to do the thing that she was dreaming about for a couple of years now - to strip down and to jump on someone's big and hard cock! This series seems to be only the beginning of the story and probably there will be more of Elizabeth's sexy adventures added soon so keep an eye on our website not to miss it!
To get gotten ready for the college life you are going to spend a long time at your youth good friend's home where you are supposed to examine as well as all that stuff. However this simple plan is doomed due to one simple reason - your good friend is Ben Tennyson which means his cousin Gwen will always be somewhere near as well as barely you might even envision more distracting factor than this redhead's attractive ass!
Quick series of drawings which finally let Elizabeth from "BioShock: Infinite" to do the thing that she was dreaming about for a couple of years now - to strip down and to jump on someone's big and hard cock! This series seems to be only the beginning of the story and probably there will be more of Elizabeth's sexy adventures added soon so keep an eye on our website not to miss it!
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