It was presumed to be a day filled with joy and pleasure for all of the admirers of pokemons and costume play nevertheless it was destroyed in 1 moment once an early witch determined to put everybody at the convention into her gimps and also use the occasion as a commencing point for getting on the planet. Fortunately for the rest of the planet there continue to be forces whose occupation would be to stop these things from occurring and among these is the magic order that you and your counterpart will reflect within this battle. Arrive in the area and learn more about the halls of conference centre, help those that needs aid and spank those that needs spanking... and also the simple fact you will be fighting hot appearing costume play chicks is some thing that you may think about as an incentive of your work!
It was supposed to be yet another 1 pokemon themed costume play tradition with a great deal of lovely guys and dolls showcasing their outfits... but what has chnaged when wicked witch has determined to begin her strategies of conquering the world in the building in which this tradition was occurring! Now it's extremely dangerous to enter this place... unless you're the mage in an early magic order and stopping bad witchy items from occurring is the job! Team up with your lovely looking counterpart and together find the way to stop evil witch, defeat her minions, assist and attract participants bakc about the side! And do not worry about damaging their outfits too bad if you will chance to combat them because that pictures will probably be looking really great on your album.
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