A young nymph named Korra is preparing to undergo initiation into the Avatars of the four elements. But for this she will need to open her mind. And this can only be done through sexual initiation. And you are the individual who is to initiate. So on the screen you see Korra. Her big watermelons caught your attention. Use your mouse to undress Korra. Then begin licking her pink cunt until she gets humid. After that you can fuck Korra in her tight muff, bringing the nymph to vaginal pleasure. And then you will need to begin assfuck tracing. Korra groans with pleasure and starts to reincarnate into the Avatar of the four elements. So let's begin the game and find out what happens next and do it right now.
Who is this hottie sitting on your bed? Who cares for her name when she wants to play a strip version of rock-papaer-scissors with you! But be careful: your 'character' also has a limited set of clothes so it is still quite possible to lose the game before you will stip down this sexy chick completely. Is luck on your side? We really hope on that! And don't forget to check the tissue box (about 34 times if you don't mind to cheat)!
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